Free “Family Lore” Book Updated on: 11/04/2023

Free “Family Lore” Book

Take advantage of winning one of 100 free copies of Elizabeth Acevedo's latest novel, Family Lore, thanks to Caboodle's exciting competition! This heartwarming novel, which follows the lives of three generations of women, isn't set to hit bookstores until August 2023, but 100 lucky winners will get to read it before anyone else.
To enter, click the "GET FREEBIE" button and enter your email at the bottom of the page. You'll then be asked to provide additional details, such as your full name and address. Plus, you'll even have the opportunity to read the book's first chapter right away!
Take your time entering, as the competition will close on April 13th, and the winners will be contacted shortly after. Win a free copy of Family Lore today and be among the first to enjoy Elizabeth Acevedo's latest literary masterpiece. Good luck! Get Freebie

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