Free World Book Day Book

Free World Book Day Book

With World Book Day now just a few days away, now is the perfect time to claim a FREE book token, allowing you to either claim a £1 book for free or get a £1 discount on any book or audiobook worth £2.99+ at participating stores. The World Book Day £1 books are offered as a gift from booksellers, who fully fund the cost of the £1 book token redemptions, helping to change one life at a time through a love of reading!
To claim yours, just click "GET FREEBIE" and digitally download your required book token depending on your location within the UK and Ireland. It's really as simple as that!
But hurry, this token is only valid for use until the 31st of March so you don't have long to use it! Don't miss out! Image used for representational purposes only. Get Freebie

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